Flare System Monitoring & Control Assessment
- Spectrum performs gap assessments to assess the current state of a facility’s monitoring and control configuration, as well as offers suggestions for improvement.
- Spectrum will assess the ability of the systems to meet new regulations or meet air pollution control best practices. Our knowledge of best industry practice allows engineering to explore known instrumentation and control options, without needing to investigate options that have been shown to be ineffective.
- Spectrum helps speed up the design phase of your projects, which saves time and money.
Flare Contribution Mapping & Minimization
- Spectrum engages operations and engineering to get a complete understanding of the contributions to the flare header.
- After reviewing the flare monitoring program and conducting flare header mapping, Spectrum assesses the data and options available for a facility to reduce the amount of generated flare gas or the frequency and duration of flaring incidents.
Flare DCS Calculations & Data Mapping
- Spectrum can provide a control narrative for your flare in terms of the monitored and controlled parameters to layout the control scheme for a DCS engineer to quickly implement.
- Spectrum can assist facilities during the design phase to discuss requirements if using only the DCS and historian or a more sophisticated data acquisition system (DAS).
- Spectrum can also provide a calculation narrative that outlines the data processing steps and calculations to meet the requirements for environmental reporting.
Regulatory Support
- Compliance determinations with applicable regulations
- Development of and updates to Flare Management Plans (FMPs) and Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS) Monitoring Plans for:
- NSPS Ja (FMP only)
- OLD MACT (CPMS only)
- Updates of FMP baselines and alternative baselines
- Development of CEMS QAQC Plans for monitors that comply with Appendix B and F
- Development of Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs) in the TX HRVOC area
Program Auditing and Assessment
- Ethylene MACT requirements
- MON requirements
- OLD MACT requirements
- Potential HON updates
- Potential Subpart A updates
Additional Industrial Flare Support Services
- Flare manuals
- Flare AMP and AMEL Support
- Flare Performance Testing
Flare Training Classes
- Provide a 3rd party review of a facility’s compliance program
- Review of FMPs and CPMS Monitoring Plans to confirm systems were installed to meet requirements.
- Perform calculations to verify they are being performed in accordance with the regulations.
- Review data handling, calculations, and data exclusion being performed by DAS systems.